Awards Presentation, School Reports, and Industry Perspective

This session will include the announcement of the winners of the Lesmo and Cadoli awards, as well as the awards assigned during the conference. A report on the work carried out by the schools will also be presented, followed by the industrial session, which is detailed below.

Industry Perspective

The industry session will take place on Wednesday 27 November at 13:30. See also the Schedule overview, Main Track Schedule, Workshops Schedule, Invited Talks, and Workshop Schedule pages.

Below a list of speakers of the session.

AI Applications in GlobalWafers, a Silicon Wafer
Manufacturing Company

Andrea Laurenzi
Global Wafers

In the 21st century, digital technology permeates every industrial sector, from communications to energy. At the core of digitization lies an invisible, a very small element called chip that is a set of electronic circuits on a small piece of silicon. The semiconductor supply chain starts with the silicon ingot growth, goes through the silicon wafer manufacturing, up to the design and fabrications of chips. Specifically, GlobalWafers is a leading manufacturer of silicon wafers for the electronics. Massive amounts of data are generated at each production step, making artificial intelligence (AI) a valuable tool for improving manufacturing efficiency. AI-driven solutions bring cost efficiency, better quality, and higher throughput to production. We will present some AI use cases within the manufacturing process.

Proactive Public Administration: a data/AI-driven approach

Alessio Trazzi
SIAG – Informatica Alto Adige S.p.A.

Informatica Alto Adige S.p.A. is an on-the-edge in-house company focusing on digital innovation, enhancing public administration with data and AI solutions to provide proactive services to citizens. The presentation explores a strategic approach to digitalization, transitioning from reactive to proactive services with a solid data infrastructure and predictive and prescriptive analytics. It describes a unified data platform with governance principles to ensure quality and security. The use of machine learning and AI optimizes public services like healthcare and urban planning with proactive models for personalized notifications and automated support. The “Flagship” project includes initiatives such as “Citizen Relationship Management” and “DataBloom,” aiming for transparency and efficiency. The transformation aims at an adaptive and responsive administration, enhancing citizen interaction and satisfaction.

Road towards a Responsible AI: the journey of Intesa Sanpaolo

Daniele Regoli, Luigi Melillo
Intesa Sanpaolo

AI algorithms are currently experiencing a period of enormous success, they are becoming more and more widespread and used in various industries, including those providing services to people. This is definitely beneficial, as AI enables more effective procedures that maximize time and resources. However, AI brings along inevitably some risks, such as the risk of perpetuating and sometimes amplifying discrimination against particular groups within the population, and the risk inherent in the complexity and opacity of modern AI systems. In this talk, we shall briefly outline the framework that Intesa Sanpaolo has put in place to face such challenges, and discuss several Responsible AI initiatives launched in the course of the past 5 years.