23rd International Conference of the
Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
25–28 November 2024, Bolzano, Italy

26 November
The morning coffee break and the start of the second morning session are delayed of 15 mins.
24 November
Information about logistics
(locations, how to reach places)
is now available!
19 November
Don’t forget to register for
the public event!
25 October
Early registration is extended
to 29 October!
25 October
The program is online!
30 September
Registration is now open!
2 October
The Call for Travel Grants is out!

Welcome to the website of AIxIA 2024, the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, which will take place on 25–28 November 2024 at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
The 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024) is organized by AIxIA (Associazione Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale), a non-profit scientific society founded in 1988 and devoted to the promotion of Artificial Intelligence. The society aims to increase the public awareness of AI, encourage the teaching of it and promote research in the field.
The growth of research and interests about AI today requires that specific communities of contributors could meet and face together in order to focus on specific fields of work. Due to the growing number of focused activities representing the richness of the entire AI community, AIxIA 2024 hosts a set of dedicated workshops.
Call for papers
See the dedicated page.